Hello, greetings to all fighters for human rights. I am Mario Jimenez. I am here as an ambassador of whom I consider to be one of the greatest fighters of human rights in history, my Lord Jesus Christ. I am a medical doctor, founder of Family Unity Worldwide, and Votefamily.us. I will speak to you today of very serious violations of human rights, of a social cancer, a serious illness in our government and society threatening the very core of this nation. This problem is directly connected with the astronomical increase of sexual child trafficking in this nation as studies, and a recent documentary titled Foster Shock showed that about 70% of sexual trafficking victims have been attacked by this cancer.
Let me start by saying that there is a war being waged against the natural family (one man, one woman in a committed, monogamous, lifelong relationship with their biological/adopted children), from the unborn being sold as body parts to the highest bidder, to children being used for lining the pockets of corrupt government officials and organizations such as the Department of Children and Families (DCF, receiving 3 dollars for each dollar DCF spends in foster homes), to the youth in juvenile courts being sold for cash as in the “kids for cash” scandal, to adults being unconstitutionally denied access to their children by family courts under the disguise of the “best interest of the children” just to increase state coffers (federal matching dollars for child custody orders), to the elderly in probate and guardianship courts having their life savings stolen by those who are supposed to protect them.
This cancer has afflicted over 23 million children as of today. These children live in single parent homes in great part, according to the DivorceCorp documentary and experts in the field, to a form of government-sponsored child trafficking via “family” courts and DCF. All over America today, children are removed from parents without due process of law by DCF, with many of them ending dead or being psychologically or sexually abused, as the Foster Shock documentary, and a Miami-Herald investigation showed. In a matter of just a few years, over 534 children lost their lives under the care of DCF.
Similarly, millions of children are growing up without a parent because of state-sponsored division of the family via title IV of the social security which pays approximately two dollars for every dollar the state can get from non-custodial parents in child support, plus billions in other federal incentives. These federal incentives encourage the separation of children from one of the parents with terrible consequences not only to the children but to society as a whole. As a matter of fact, one of the main reasons that social security is to run out of funds in 2034 is that hundreds of billions of these funds are used to pay for the incentives to run corrupt and incompetent organizations such as DCF and family courts.
Ever since the inception of these federal incentive programs introduced by legislation such as the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA, Mondale in 1974), or the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA, Clinton in 1997), there has been a staggering increased in the number of children living in single-parent homes. The Afro-American population in single-parent homes went from about 20% in the 60’s to close of 80% today; Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites from about 5% to 42%, and 25% respectively. These programs are at the root of the destruction of America, and the disintegration of the American family.
Statistically, children separated or not living with one of the parents are far more likely to experience violence, commit suicide, continue a cycle of poverty, become drug dependent, commit a crime or perform below their peers in education, contributing to the deterioration of society as a whole. What is even more troubling to me as a medical doctor is the connection between family court and DCF abuses and child suicides. Approximately one youth attempts suicide every 3 minutes, and one of them actually dies in the attempt every 2 hours. Approximately 2 out of 3 of these youths are victims of DCF and the divorce industry. Custodial interference, like the one promoted by these organizations, in the past year is associated with an increased risk for suicidal ideation of up 4.5 times greater or 350% increase vs children without this history.
The “family” courts and DCF have become one of the most destructive forces to children in our society. They have created a single-parent generation to exploit parents and children via Title IV incentives of the social security. The results are horrifying: single-parent homes account for 63% of youth suicides (US Dept. Of Health/Census), 90% of all homeless and runaway children, 85% of all children exhibiting behavioral disorders (Center for Disease Control), 80% of rapists motivated with displaced anger (Criminal Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26, 1978), 71% of all high school dropouts (National Principals Association Report on the State of High Schools), 75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers (Rainbows for all God`s Children), 70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Special Report, Sept 1988), and 85% of youths in prison centers (Fulton Co. Georgia jail populations, Texas Dept. of Corrections 1992).
To be fair, we need to give people and these agencies the benefit of the doubt. We can fairly assume that family courts and DCF were created with good intentions, but as the old proverb says: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” There is a simple medical principle “first, do no harm” (or “primum non nocere”). If a medication or medical procedure does more harm than good, we are obliged, as medical doctors, to stop it, or never start it at all. Based on evidence, we can safely conclude that DCF and family courts are currently causing more harm than good.
For instance, according to the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN) in Washington D. C., a child is almost two times as likely to be neglected, almost five times more likely to die, three times more likely to be physically abused, and over eight times more likely to be sexually abused in DCF custody than at home.
Thus, the medication must be stopped, i.e. DCF and family courts must be reformed, and a new medication must be found. This cancer cannot continue to spread. We need to defund these federal anti-life, anti-family programs, and replace them with pro-life and pro-family programs. Instead of our federal funds promoting abortion, let them promote adoption; instead of incentivizing children separation from parents, they should promote programs to keep children with both parents. The very survival of this nation depends on it. Weaken the natural family, and you weaken society. Continue in the path of destruction of the family and our nation will be destroyed.
I pray that all listening to this message will join us in fighting for children and family rights, that the blood and suffering of countless of children such as Victor and Nubia Barahona, Mario and Karen Jimenez, and many others would not be in vain. Thank you.
Dr. Mario Jimenez.