Who Is Behind The Destruction Of The American Constitutional Republic? Corrupt Lawyers (Activist Judges Included).
One of the main reasons behind the rapid destruction of the American Republic, and behind all the abuses taking place in the present judicial system, and associated organizations, guardianship programs, DCF , juvenile courts, HOA scams, family courts, etc., is the lack of judicial accountability caused by the loss of judicial checks and balances so necessary in a Republic. See Federalist Papers, Continuation, Constitutional Guardians. Learn more here: https://www.votefamily.us/protecting-restoring-constitution/
Against the explicit warnings of the American Forefathers, such as James Madison, in some of the most famous of The Federalist Papers, 47 and 51, we have let one group of people take control of all branches of government. Attorneys through their BARs have taken control of all the powers of American government with catastrophic results to this nation as attested by anyone seeking justice in our current judicial system and as evidence shows. “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny” Federalist # 47.
As a matter of fact, the Florida Constitution in Article 2, Section 3 is clear about attorneys working for the judicial branch being prohibited from working in other branches of government: Branches of government—The powers of the state government shall be divided into legislative, executive, and judicial branches. No person belonging to one branch shall exercise any powers appertaining to either of the other branches unless expressly provided herein.
The executive and legislative powers should check and balance the powers of the judicial system, but today this is not possible because of the inherent conflicts of interest of attorneys working in two or more of the powers of government under the control of BAR associations, basically fulfilling Madison’s warning accumulating power in the hands of a few would lead tyranny, in this case, in this case in the form of oligarchy. Furthermore, if an attorney decides to confront the judicial corruption head on, s/he would most likely be disbarred or disciplined and would no longer be able to practice as an attorney as has happened to so many attorneys across this nation that have tried to fight this judicial tyranny. See more here:
The political turmoil we are witnessing today in America and in many other countries around the world is a repeat of the cycles described by Greek philosophers over two thousand years ago. See: https://www.votefamily.us/understanding-the-cycles-of-governments/, http://saynotopas.com/understanding-government-cycles-and-how-to-remain-in-a-democracy/.
The solution to restore America’s Constitutional Republic, although may seem painfully slow, requires that regular people, non-attorneys run and win legislative and executive offices all over this nation. This is why President Trump’s victory was so important to save the American Republic. Now, take a look at who is mainly obstructing, and attacking President Trump every step of the way: The Clintons, the Obamas, James Comey, Mueller and his Trump-Russian witch hunt team, and many other whose professions are? You guessed it right: attorneys. Perhaps the best gauge for the great dislike of the legal profession for President Trump is to look at how much money this group donated to the Clinton vs. the Trump campaign. Lawyers and law firms donated $36.4 million to Clinton, but sent only a fraction of that, $0.94 million, to Trump. Wow, that is 3,872% more money donated to Clinton’s than to Trump’s campaign. No wonder President Trump is being attacked so fiercely by lawyers, and the elite in general. We certainly hope to see more non-attorneys run in many other races making sure lawyers stay where they belong, in the judicial system.
Perhaps It Is Time We Disbar The Attorney Bars:
Furthermore, ever increasing dishonest and unethical behavior among lawyers proves that the profession can no longer regulate itself, and legislators must step in to take away this authority in order to protect the public. Attorney bars are doing a horrible job regulating the profession. Valid complaints against attorneys committing fraud upon the courts and even lying to their clients are routinely ignored, as illustrated by countless examples such as Dr. Jimenez’ case here www.SayNoToPAS.com, while honest attorneys who stand for clients’ rights are routinely disciplined and/or disbarred. See: COMPLAINT FOR CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING UNDER FEDERAL RICO AND ANTI-TRUST LAWS, AND CLASS ACTION against Florida BAR, its “voluntary” dismissal.
Common Example of “Legal” Corruption:
Fifteen out of sixteen attorneys secretly interviewed in a recent 60 Minutes episode were caught giving advice on how to launder money to a highly suspicious client. One of these attorneys was the president of the American Bar Association according to the report:
One of the attorneys interviewed in the investigation confessed what many of us already knew empirically. Attorneys have taken over all powers of the government and believe that they are above the law: “They don’t send the lawyers to jail, because we run the country…We’re still members of a privileged class in this country…We make the laws, and when we do so, we make them in a way that is advantageous to the lawyers.”
As clearly stated above, lawyers have made America an oligarchy. The only peaceful way to restore America’s Constitutional Republican form of government is voting lawyers out of every executive and legislative position in the nation. Lawyers are members of the BARs, and the members of this institutions, as stated above, run the country while bringing the rest of American citizens down.
Another example. The Panama papers:
“…the legal profession has failed. Democratic governance depends upon responsible individuals throughout the entire system who understand and uphold the law, not who understand and exploit it. On average, lawyers have become so deeply corrupt that it is imperative for major changes in the profession to take place, far beyond the meek proposals already on the table…
Hopelessly backward and inefficient courts have failed. Judges have too often acquiesced to the arguments of the rich, whose lawyers—and not just Mossack Fonseca—are well trained in honoring the letter of the law, while simultaneously doing everything in their power to desecrate its spirit. The media has failed. Many news networks are cartoonish parodies of their former selves, individual billionaires appear to have taken up newspaper ownership as a hobby, limiting coverage of serious matters concerning the wealthy, and serious investigative journalists lack funding.”
Restore checks and balances in our government. Take the hands of lawyers out of both the legislative and executive powers. Join the GLOOG revolution, Get Lawyers Out Of Government, read www.gloogbook.com to find out why.
But how do we remove the choke hold from attorney BARs? Here are some ideas:
-The establishment of two-term limits on all state Judges. For instance, if District Judge, only 2 consecutive terms as such. He/she may advance to appeal court or Supreme Court but always with a confidence/retention vote from citizens by appearing on the ballot in the general elections.
-Open public records on Judicial Qualification Commission complaints against Judges.
-Confidence/retention vote requiring all public elected officials (e.g. State Senators, House Representatives, Judges, State Attorneys, etc.), regardless of someone running against them or not, to appear for a CONFIDENCE retention vote at the end of their respective election period in office to allow voters the choice of whether they should remain in office or not. In case the public official is not retained in office, the Governor shall appoint a temporary replacement, and new elections shall be held within 90 days to elect a replacement for that position.
-Remove the self-regulation of the legal profession from the BARs, and assign it to citizen’s grand juries in each district who would not only hear complaints against lawyers, but will also hear complaints against Judges, and will be in charge of preparing bills of impeachments to be executed by the state House of Representatives and Senates. We could also write a generic Constitutional Amendment Proposition (ballot proposition) requiring attorney BARs to finally be regulated by state regulatory agencies, as all the other professions in the USA are. Then, adopting this constitutional amendment to each state and working towards passing it in each state. Even if we don’t get the necessary number of signatures to pass a constitutional amendment in a state, we can then take those signatures to the legislature and pressure them to pass the Constitutional Amendment.
-Demand the enforcement of the separations of powers provided by most state Constitutions. For instance, in Florida, Article 2, Section 3, which prohibits attorneys working in the judicial branch from serving in other branches of government, reads: “Branches of government—The powers of the state government shall be divided into legislative, executive, and judicial branches. No person belonging to one branch shall exercise any powers appertaining to either of the other branches unless expressly provided herein.” This applies to all states: “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny” James Madison, Federalist # 47 (explanation on the separation of powers in the government).
We certainly hope others across this nation join us in supporting non-attorneys in this and future elections. We hope to get your support as well.
“The germ of destruction of our nation is in the power of the judiciary, an irresponsible body – working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall render powerless the checks of one branch over the other and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.” – Thomas Jefferson, 1821.
Protect and Restore the Constitution of the United State: https://www.votefamily.us/protecting-restoring-constitution/
Checkout also these websites for more information:
Nothing has worked reforming our judicial system, nor will it work until we identify and attack the root cause of the problem: the loss of checks and balances in our government by attorneys controlling all three branches of government.
It is unbelievable how intelligent people keep going around and around (filing RICO, torts, Federal removals, protesting in front of court houses, the White House, the Supreme Courts, etc., etc., etc.), and nothing has changed with the abuses in America’s Judicial system, but as a matter of fact, they just seem to keep on getting worse and worse. As Albert Einstein said, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”
Don’t continue to go in circles, join us in a peaceful Political Revolution. Failure to do so will lead to what has repeated many times in history: http://freedom.lronhubbard.org/page018.htm:
“The history of revolts has had one thing in common: a policy of government by the few, for the few and oppression of the many. Special privilege groups dominated and were listened to by every government in history which has fallen to a peoples’ revolt. The keynotes of such special groups is help for nobody but themselves and hate for everyone including themselves.
The equestrian order of Rome, the aristocracy of France and Russia, the super select Nazis of Germany, the international financiers and the psychiatric front groups now dominating Western governments had much in common. They operated for themselves alone and used the people as though they were animals…”
I pray to God that humanity does not pick this last option again. I lived through it once as a child in Nicaragua, my native country, when Communists took over the country. Many people died for nothing. We still can prevent something similar in the U.S., but it will depend on us. Here is how:
If you decide to run, get a free webpage for your campaign here: www.votefamily.us. Unfortunately, many people have been brainwashed to believe that one needs to be an attorney to be a Representative or a Senator, but nothing could be farther from the truth. To the contrary, because lawyers are working for more than one branch of government at the same time, they are violating one of the most basic principles provided in the Constitution as explained by Madison in the Federalist Papers, the separation of powers. Attorneys belonging to the BAR should not even be running for these positions. As a matter of fact, for instance, the Florida constitution in Article 2, Section 3 is clear about attorneys working for the judicial branch being prohibited from working in other branches of government: “Branches of government—The powers of the state government shall be divided into legislative, executive, and judicial branches. No person belonging to one branch shall exercise any powers appertaining to either of the other branches unless expressly provided herein.”
Tutorial based on 2016 requirements (http://dos.myflorida.com/media/695458/state-qualifying-handbook.pdf) . Please, check for latest requirements here:
Find out who your current Representative is here:
http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Representatives/myrepresentative.aspx (This is most likely the person you will run against unless this is his/her last term in office, 4th consecutive 2-year term). See current members:
Here is a list of Representative from 2016-18. They all go for re-election every 2 years:
Here are the maps for each district:
Forms you would need to fill out first to start the process:
- Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Candidates (very important: here you can assign yourself as the treasurer that way you do not rely on anybody else, and avoid very costly fines if reports are not filed on time):
2. Statement of Candidate:
3. Candidate Oath:
-If Party Affiliation:
-Or Candidate Oath – No Party Affiliation (recommended option):
How and when to open a bank account for your campaign?
- At least one month before Qualifying Dates noted above, one should open a bank account. Note that if you open it sooner, you will most likely need to pay monthly bank fees.
2. To open a bank account you need to create an EIN. See instructions HERE.
3. Take the EIN number, and the initial papers received from elections department to a bank an open a business account for the election. You may call it something like this “Mario Jimenez Florida House Representative” for instance.
Chapter 6: State Senator and State Representative Qualifications
- Elector and resident of the district upon taking office.
2. Must be at least twenty-one years of age.
3. Must be a resident of the state for at least two years prior to
Qualifying Dates Noon, June 20 – Noon, June 24, 2016 (these will change for 2018).
Notwithstanding the qualifying dates stated above, the qualifying office may accept and hold qualifying papers submitted not earlier than 14 days prior to the beginning of the qualifying period, to be processed and filed during the qualifying period. (Section 99.061, Fla. Stat.)
Required Qualifying Documents
The following items must be received by the Division no later than noon, June 24, 2016 (this will change for 2018):
1. Form DS-DE 9, Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository. (If the original DS-DE 9 was previously filed with the Division, a copy is not required to be filed during the qualifying period.)
2. Party Affiliation Candidates: Form DS-DE 24, Candidate Oath (running for a party costs more money, and unless you have strong contacts in the party, you might not make it pass the primaries in August);
No Party Affiliation Candidates: Form DS-DE 24B, Candidate Oath (this is the one we recommend to make sure your name makes it to the final day of election);
3. Form 6, Full and Public Disclosure of Financial Interests for the year 2015 (and any other forms applicable as identified on Form 6). A public officer who has filed the full and public disclosure or statement of financial interests for the year 2015 with the Commission on Ethics prior to qualifying for office may file a copy of that disclosure at the time of qualifying (this form will change for 2018 election, but don’t worry since you do not need to file until the Qualifying Dates noted above).
Candidates Paying the Qualifying Fee
In addition to the above referenced items, all candidates, except a person certified to qualify by the petition method or seeking to qualify as a write-in candidate, must pay the qualifying fee below, as applicable:
• Party Affiliation Candidates: $1,781.82 (6% of annual salary as of July 1, 2015);
• No Party Affiliation Candidates: $1,187.88 (4% of annual salary as of July 1, 2015)
“Justice is the end of government. It is the end of civil society. It ever has been and ever will be pursued until it be obtained, or until liberty be lost in the pursuit…” Federalist Paper 51. Remember to www.VoteFamily.Us. The Problem: https://www.votefamily.us/corrupt-lawyers/
The time has come when it is necessary for someone to take upon himself the task of bringing to the attention of his fellow citizens that those who are sworn to uphold the Constitution are not doing so. That as a result the Nation is embarked on a very dangerous course, the ill effects in terms of financial cost, emotional cost and loss of constitutional rights, can be seen everywhere. This writer proposes to make his case to his fellow Citizens by writing a series of articles under the banner of the Federalist, numbered in sequence after those written by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. They signed: “PUBLIUS.” This writer will sign: “PUBLIUS II.” 86.pdf
Rebuttal to the legal profession’s arguments against exclusion from elective office in the legislative and executive branches of government. Part 1: 87.pdf
Rebuttal to the legal profession’s arguments against exclusion from elective office in the legislative and executive branches of government. Part 2.:
- Was the Constitution written to make certain that no single ‘same hands’ group controls all government? And if so:
- Does Madison’s concept of ‘same hands’ include the members of the legal profession, as one potential ‘same hands’ group? 88.pdf
Rebuttal to the legal profession’s arguments against exclusion from elective office in the legislative and executive branches of government. Part 3 (Outline of the formal argument before a Court of Law.): 89.pdf
The nature and manifestation of the legal profession’s tyranny over the nation.: 90.pdf
The legal profession’s tyranny over the nation. The examination, diagnosis, treatment and cure: 91.pdf
The legal profession’s tyrannical control over the Nation and the federal crime of Treason.: 92.pdf
Rebuttal to the legal profession’s Defenses to the allegation that probable cause exists for stating that by occupying public office in either the legislative or executive branches of the federal government, members of the legal profession are guilty of the federal crime of treason.: 93.pdf
The logical analysis and legal reasoning governing the Federalist 92
proposition on the legal profession’s unconstitutional control of all government and the federal crime of treason: 94.pdf
The legal profession’s tyranny over the Nation, the self delusion that keeps it in denial of that truth, and the phenomenon of ‘cognitive dissonance’ which causes it. (Part 1): 95.pdf
The need for public opinion to recognize that control by lawyers of all government does grievous harm to the Nation, in addition to being unconstitutional.: 96.pdf
The need for public opinion to support the removal of lawyers from elective office. The issue of unfitness of lawyers for elective office. The corruption of the legal profession as a whole. The Rational Approach. (Part 1 of 4): 97.pdf
The need for public opinion to support the removal of lawyers from elective office. The issue of unfitness of lawyers for elective office. The corruption of the legal profession as a whole. (Part 2 of 4), The Empirical Approach.: 98.pdf
The need for public opinion to support the removal of lawyers from elective office. The issue of unfitness of lawyers for elective office. The corruption of the legal profession as a whole. (Part 3 of 4) The Empirical Approach. (cont’d): 99.pdf
The need for public opinion to support the removal of lawyers from elective office. The issue of the unfitness of lawyers for elective office. The corruption of the legal profession as a whole. ( Part 4 of 4). Conclusions.: 100.pdf
A review of Federalists 86 to 100. An explanation of how the legal profession became so corrupt and why it continues to tyrannize the Nation with ‘a clear conscience’. A rebuttal to the proposition that the profession’s solution of ‘educating lawyers’ will resolve the problems created by the Nation’s legal profession.: 101.pdf
A review of the four ‘instruments’ of tyranny: (1) The power of the sword; (2) the power of the word; (3) the power of the word of the Lord; and (4) the power of the purse. The ‘natural evolution’ of the American legal profession as tyrannical.: 102.pdf
The American legal profession’s exercise of deceit to tyrannize the American people.: 103.pdf
The abandonment of ethics by the American legal profession through the adoption of the ‘Lawyer’s Amoral Ethical Role’. The resulting material decline in the Nation’s moral standards. (Part 1 of 4): 104.pdf
The abandonment of ethics by the American legal profession through the adoption of the ‘Lawyer’s Amoral Ethical Role’. The resulting material decline in the Nation’s moral standards. (Part 2 of 4): 105.pdf
The abandonment of ethics by the American legal profession through the adoption of the ‘Lawyer’s Amoral Ethical Role’. The resulting material decline in the Nation’s moral standards. (Part 3 of 4): 106.pdf
The abandonment of ethics by the American legal profession through the adoption of the ‘Lawyer’s Amoral Ethical Role’. The resulting material decline in the Nation’s moral standards. (Part 4 of 4): 107.pdf
(Ronald Bibace), http://www.constitutionalguardian.com/
Other files: http://www.constitutionalguardian.com/pdfs/86.pdf
I passed all ky requirements to get my grandchild home. Social service gave me a green light to get my grandson home. Judge said she didn’t think I really wanted him so I was denied. Please help families Reunite in the name of Jesus
My case is in court of appeals. I’m praying someone helps stop this and send our families home in the name of Jesus.
I quoted the Lords prayer to my ex-wife & her attorney said that I made threats on my children’s lives when i said this part “It will be on Earth as it is in Heaven”. Me & my precious daughters relationship has been brutally abused by my ex-wife, family courts, & attorneys now for sixteen months & i have lost everything except hope that God through Christ will intervene & Truth & Justice will Prevail so my precious daughter gets back her loving daddy whom she loved & trusted so very much because she knew that I loved her unconditionally & never have & never would harm her in any way whatsoever. I struggle very badly every day with the fact that my precious daughter has suffered tremendously & me her daddy whom she trusted the most has not saved her from this abuse by her mother, family courts, attorneys, & corrupt forensic therapist. I’m completely broken but I will never stop fighting for my precious daughters wellbeing & our once healthy daddy/daughter relationship
Rubio he lives in Mr. and Mrs. GIFFENS area of Miami Florida . He works and knows the attorney’s that are doing this to my parents. It is very gross the whole city of Miami is a different world since I grew up there. I have seen the Rich get richer and homes come down an mansions go up . Attorneys own almost everything. Yes the Florida Bar Association is run everything in Fl and the Florida Bar Association is running the Sunshine State like a death camp. ABOLISH GUARDIANSHIP IT’S UN – AMERICAN. SAVETHEGIFFENS@GMAIL.COM