Court Reform

Court Reform

Click HERE to find out how the Family Court Cartel is organized and how to stop it.

The same motivation seen with DCF, GREED, is also seen behind the forced separation of parents in family courts. If one of the parents has less than 50/50 time sharing, he/she is forced to pay child support, and for every dollar the states spend in child support, the federal government reimburses 66 cents back (so for every $1 the states spend, they receive $1.98 dollars back, a 98% ROI) plus billions in incentives to the states taken from the Social Security fund, as per Title IV-D of the social security, which is used among other things to pay the same judges who are giving these orders,  a conflict of interest to say the least. So even though 50/50 time should be the law in Florida, and every state of the nation, judges in many cases ignore this under the excuse of the “best interest of the children” when in reality they are motivated by the desire to fill the state coffers and pay their own salaries and benefits.  In other words, as these testimonies show: GREED has replaced the rule of law.

“Child support is directly linked to Title IV-D. The more the state orders, the more the state receives in federal funding incentives. This has lead to the state violating constitutional rights and to say that they are not to justify receiving the federal funds. Two-thirds of the Attorney General’s budget comes from this Title IV-D funding. A new book called “Judges Kill Families: Lies Family Courts Tell” goes into the details about the Attorney General’s interest in this money and the lies judges tell to protect this budget.”

In 2015, $556,000,000 was the pool of money available from Social Security to incentivize this form of child trafficking in America.

Based on evidence, family courts and Child Protective Services (CPS)/ Department of Children and Families (DCF) are racist institutions:

A recent example of greed is Governor Scott’s veto of SB 668, bill here. Governor Scott, a lawyer, pandered to the “best interest of the Florida Bar” instead of the “best interest of the children.”  He ignored all the evidence that proves that shared parenting is best for children, a fact with the endorsement of 110 world experts and 43 peer reviewed papers, and favored by 70% of the Population.

The Family Court Cartel Organizational Chart. Feel free to modify giving credit to the original author:

The “family” courts and DCF have become one of the most destructive forces to children in our society.  They have created a single-parent generation to exploit parents and children via Title IV incentives.  The results are horrifying:  single-parent homes account for 63% of youth suicides (US Dept. Of Health/Census), 90% of all homeless and runaway children, 85% of all children exhibiting behavioral disorders (Center for Disease Control), 80% of rapists motivated with displaced anger (Criminal Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26, 1978), 71% of all high school dropouts (National Principals Association Report on the State of High Schools), 75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers (Rainbows for all God`s Children), 70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Special Report, Sept 1988), and 85% of prison youths (Fulton Co. Georgia jail populations, Texas Dept. of Corrections 1992).

A Broken System: Parental Voices Unsilenced.

Our present Senators and House Representatives have done little to nothing to protect our children and families ignoring the plight of these children and their families. Similar abuses are taking place with the elderly under Guardianship programs (1, 2) with home and condo owners through foreclosure and homeowner associations, and with Florida families and our youth in family and juvenile courts. To stop these crimes, we call you to unite with ONE voice and make a revolutionary statement that these crimes MUST and WILL stop. “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” -George Orwell; So, join us in the Parents’ Right Revolution.

Here are two great articles that explain what is happening in our family courts today:

Go To Next Page: It’s The Lawyers Stupid




Taking Our Families Back