Dr. Mario Jimenez in Senate District 40

Please see entire video HERE, and LETTER.

Please Help Us Stop Government-Sponsored Child Trafficking in America:Help us stop the legalized trafficking of children by DCF (click here) and family courts (click here).  See video series: https://www.votefamily.us/family-courts-ran-criminals-today/

Hello, I am Dr. Mario Jimenez, and I am running for the Florida State Senate, District 40.  I am running because, like you, I am concerned about the future of our nation, our communities, and our families. I am running because it is time we retake our principles, morals, and values and say NO to the corruption. I will fight for better jobs, for senior rights, for our declining education, and for our children’s future. I will fight to end bureaucracy, reduce crime, and give back the power to you, the people. Please help me stop government-sponsored child trafficking and decrease youth, veteran, and parent suicides in America: https://www.votefamily.us/youth-veteran-suicide-connection-family-courts/.  If I had not lived it myself (see SayNoToPAS.com), I would not have believed the corruption that is taking place in our family courts today.  These courts have become criminal enterprises, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO).

How to thrive in the middle of trials? A Medico-Biblical Solution to Stress

(Video en español: https://youtu.be/SZbAs4UBvAE)

nueva-englishPlease pass it forward. Buy someone else a booklet. Donate $1 here: https://www.paypal.com/signin/?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US Education is power!

Unlike narcissistic politicians, instead of buying expensive flyers with my photo in it, I have set out to provide a copy of the Constitution to all voters in my district. If you receive a copy for free, please pass it along and buy someone else a booklet by donating $1 here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=K58KLMP8JL9NN. Education is power!

uncovered a national problem, which is mainly responsible for the suicide attempts of about 1 youth every 3 minutes and the actual suicide of 1 youth every 2 hours. Our current political establishment does not pay any attention to this catastrophe, or blames others for what is actually going on.   This political establishment wants to keep the status quo, but doing so will mean another youth committing suicide about every 2 hours that passes. My opponents are supported by the establishment.  One of them actually received close to $250,000 in fifteen days to keep things as they are.  But I count on you to make a difference and protect our youth and families, the very future of this nation.  Running a political campaign is very expensive, and I need your help.  If you believe in what I shared in this video and would like a medical doctor directly involved in protecting the youth and families of Florida and America, please DONATE $1, $5, $10, $20, $100, or up to $1000 dollars (maximum allowed by law) so I can help stop this catastrophe.

A.  My Platform.
B.  Mission Statement.
C.  Six Years Reform Plan (Family Court and DCF Issues).
D.  Platform in Details.

Help us stop the legalized trafficking of children by DCF and family courts.

To me, there is nothing more important than our children and nothing more honorable than our veterans, but Federal incentives are contributing to the destruction of both. This must stop, and God has called us to this mission. Dr. Jimenez, www.VoteMario.us

As a physician, I am committed to fighting for our families, our children, and our veterans, our American heroes who are dying at an alarming rate in great part because of the corruption in “family” courts today:https://youtu.be/AVUHalR8P0I

Help us stop the legalized trafficking of children by DCF and family courts.

Family Physician, Electrical Engineer, Ex-Olympian. The Most Qualified Senate Candidate For District 40. Mario Jimenez, M.D., "Soul of a child, heart of a Lion."
I am defining a new term: “evidence-based politics” –voting for the most qualified candidate based on his/her merits, and not for being career politicians. Dr. Mario Jimenez is the most qualified of the candidates for the Florida Senate of District 40. His academic excellence and experience in electrical engineering and medicine will allow him to work not only for all needs of Floridians but in two of the most important areas in Florida and the nation, energy independence and healthcare. His leadership and teamwork spirit has been proven over and over again, from leading his siblings as a teenager while concurrently leading his medical residency class at the University of Miami to pass their national medical boards for the first time in over ten years,  As he puts it, “I have achieved all this for the glory of God in Christ Jesus.” Mario Jimenez, M.D., “Soul of a child, heart of a lion.” via phone by incompetent family court judges who accepted false evidence from my ex’s attorneys, in violation of the Constitution and the Rule of Law, accusing me that I scared my children when I prayed with them The Armor Of God, and then threw the real evidence in the garbage (see www.SayNoToPAS.com, and sign petition).

Unlike my opponent(s), I am not a career politician or a lawyer.  I am a family physician, an electrical engineer, and a bronze medalist in the Olympic trials. I have been blessed to be called to the defense of the American family when my children were removed from my shared custody by a corrupt bureaucracy.  This was done via phone by incompetent family court judges who accepted false evidence from my ex’s attorneys in violation of the Constitution and the Rule of Law, accusing me that I scared my children when I prayed with them The Armor Of God and then threw the real evidence in the garbage (see www.SayNoToPAS.com, and sign petition).  From then on, I decided to fight this unbelievable attack upon our Constitution and parental rights.  Here is a good two-minute explanation about what’s happening in family courts, and unfortunately, many other courts in this nation: https://youtu.be/EEGnweYCadg, and a more detailed explanation: https://youtu.be/Vh7mvDV-1MY.  If these individuals were able to do this to me, they could do it to you and your family, and I want to make sure that this never happens to another family.  To this end, I am running for the Florida Senate. We have six other candidates and are growing in number under the umbrella of VoteFamily.Us, which is doing the same.

See alarming statistics threatening our republic by working to destroy the American middle class.

The same bureaucracy that is causing the suicide of American veterans is involved in the oppression of parents and children in foster homes all over this nation:

Help us stop the legalized trafficking of children by DCF and family courts.

“Don’t worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition.” Abraham Lincoln.

As a family physician, one of my main goals is to help my patients live longer, healthier, and more enjoyable lives.  To accomplish these goals, I believe that it is imperative that we live in a country where our unalienable human rights and freedoms are honored and respected. Freedom to practice your religion is one of the most important of these, and in my case, it was shamelessly violated in the family courts of Miami-Dade when I lost shared custody of my two older children for praying with them. Please, see details here: https://www.votefamily.us/the-last-straw/,

Because of this experience, and because I have identified the main reason we have been losing our constitutional rights and freedoms , I have decided to run for the Florida State Senate, and I hope that you vote for me and the coalition of which I am a part to protect our unalienable rights and freedoms.  I believe that what happened to me is a symptom of a very serious sickness that our society is suffering, the loss of our nation’s soul, which, in the state where I reside, Florida, has already caused the loss of 534+ innocent children in six years. Please see my proposed solutions to these terrible crimes, and unite with us to put a stop to the loss of innocent lives, the widespread corruption in our government, and the loss of our constitutional rights in the courts.

Because of God’s grace, I have been freed to pursue His calling for my life and pursuing His justice, not mine. Thank you in advance for your vote of trust, VoteFamily.Us, VoteMario.Us, this coming November 8th, 2016, when by the Grace of Christ and your votes, I will have the honor to continue to serve God, family, and society as your Florida State Senator for District 40.  Don’t forget to VoteFamily.Us. The Grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. Victory is ours. In Christ Jesus, I pray. Yours truly, Mario Jimenez, M.D. “Soul of a child, heart of a lion.

“A society that does not protect its weakest members, its children, its elderly, and its disabled, is a society that is destined for extinction. As long as we have breath in our lungs, the American people and those of goodwill around the world will not stop fighting for these.” Mario Jimenez Jerez, M.D., B.S.E.E.  www.VoteMario.Us  www.SayNoToPAS.com

To Learn More, Please Visit:
A.  Brief Biography.
B.  Why Am I Running for Office?
C.  My Democratic Beliefs and Roots.
D.  Religion and Politics.
E.  Listen to Our Radio Program.
F.  Fighting for We the People.
G.  Preventing Youth Suicides.

More than ever, we need your financial support. Incumbents have millions of dollars available. But we have you! Together, we can make a difference. Please donate as much as you can, up to $1000.00 per person as per Florida law:

I am honored to be running for office with men and women all across this nation. Men, like Bill Scheidler, who are tirelessly working to restore the checks and balances of this nation:


Checkout these websites for more information:

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22 thoughts on “Dr. Mario Jimenez in Senate District 40”

  1. I have fought corruption in my line of work as a Human Resources Practitioner which have resulted in high level Law Enforcement involvement. What I saw and lived just recently in the Family Court System left me speechless and played a huge role in leaving me Bankrupt. The Word of God says to give Honor where Honor is due; I thank you for being firm and courageous in your ongoing fight to recover time with your children and the corruption of publicly elected officials. I empathize with you on your experience in Family Court. My children and I are survivors of the emotional abuse endured by adversarial attorneys using Motions to prolong court proceedings designed to emotionally wear out “non-dead beat dads” as if we were second class parents. I ask the 11th Judicial Circuit Court, “Why post an Oath of Civility that is not lived?” You are not alone Dr. Jimenez! Onward!!

    1. Me siento super orgullosa pues crecimos juntos tuvimos una excelente Infancia llena de mucho amor pues mi amistad traspaza Los limites del tiempo Estoy contigo tienes todo mi apoyo hermano de mi corazon

  2. Me siento super orgullosa pues crecimos juntos tuvimos una excelente Infancia llena de mucho amor pues mi amistad traspaza Los limites del tiempo Estoy contigo tienes todo mi apoyo hermano de mi corazon

  3. Cuente con todo mi apoyo, y estoy segura q el Todopoderoso lo estará respaldando, necesitamos hombres de Dios como usted que defiendan la integridad moral y los valores de Dios, estare orando siempre por usted y haciendo todo lo que pueda para que pueda lograr su objetivo. Muchas Bendiciones.

  4. Thank you for all your advise I am on your side and with God at our side we cannot and will not fail …I am still fighting the corruption and still don’t have my three girls back home but I will never give up…NEVER SURRENDER

  5. We value your sincerity in trying to accomplish so noble a task.
    We certainly support your vision and we pray that you are successful in such a great endeavor. Battling corruption is one of the hardest tasks in this day and age, may your efforts be guided by He who sees it all and who can make it come to fruition.gms

  6. Yo soy testigo de que todo es una gran mierda,que lo único que cuenta es el dinero,no el niño. Todo es una hipocresía burocratica,aves de rapiña detrás del dólar.
    Con toda ésta bazofia humana que tenemos de servidores públicos, y los imbéciles sentados frente al televisor esperando el próximo capítulo y el ultimo chisme de la farandula,nos seguiremos hundiendo en un lodo de porquería corrupta y sin escrúpulos.https://plus.google.com/108003093325693289751/posts/6JjaPR14QvD


  7. I love it!!!

    “Independent candidate Mario Jimenez is also in the race, running on a campaign platform focused on reforming the state’s family court and child custody laws. He has raised just $1,200 since filing this past August” vs. “209K dollars in 15 days” by Republican establishment attorney, Frank Artiles.

    From a worldly point of view, beating the Republican establishment attorney, Frank Artiles, who raised 209,000 dollars in 15 days, and incumbent Democrat Sen. Dwight Bullard in November 8, 2006, looks near to impossible, but for God nothing is impossible. As a testimony to God’s power, you can see my testimony here:www.VoteMario.us. To Christ Jesus be all the Power, the Honor, and the Glory. Anything good about me, just points to Christ, the world’s Savior.

    When God calls us to a mission, there is no way to lose because Jesus already won. As God taught us in Christ Jesus, in the greatest apparent worldly defeat in history, Jesus defeated sin and gave us all those who believe in Him eternal life, a free gift, not by works, but Grace, i.e. God’s unmerited favor, so that as Jesus is so are we in this world (1 John 4:17), see details here: http://saynotopas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/A-Medico-Biblical-Solution-to-Stress-Entering-God%E2%80%99s-Rest-10-09-151.pdf.

    If you are a victim of family courts or DCF, you have been called to fight to protect and restore the Constitution of the United States for all Americans because God showed you the great corruption taking place in our courts today, see Divorce Corp the movie in NetFlix, how attorneys can commit fraud upon the courts with impunity and even get the support from corrupt judges, see example here http://www.SayNoToPAS.com, and we do not want this to ever happen to other citizens in this country.

    What the spirits of this world do not seem to understand is that they are already defeated! For us Christians, this is like watching a pre-recorded football game where our home team won by a Hail Mary at the last second of the game. We know the outcome, but we still get emotional when watching the game 😉

    If after reading this message, you want to become part of the winning team, please join me in this prayer: Dear God, I confess that I am sinner in need of a Savior, I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, so as the Bible promises: I “will be saved. For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved.” The scripture says, “No one who believes in Him will be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all and is generous to all who call on him. For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:9-13).

    If you are moved to donate towards my campaign, please proceed here, http://www.VoteMario.us. If you do not have the material resources at this time, join us in prayer for this most loving cause, the preservation of our children and the American family, and do not worry, God has has already provided us all we need in Christ Jesus. Please, just share this post with all your contacts.

    Your brother in Christ.

    Mario Jimenez Jerez, M.D.
    http://www.VoteMario.Us, http://www.VoteFamily.Us

    If you have not done so, please join our national class action lawsuit against corrupt family courts and DCF by signing under my code, 33183MJ123, at http://www.parentalrightsclassaction.com/.

    P.S. see recent articles about topics mentioned in this post:

    “The Artiles-Bullard fight in Miami-based SD 40 will likely be an
    expensive and hotly contested affair. Artiles’ campaign is one Republicans must win if they are to beat back a likely Democratic-leaning trend this year amid a presidential election cycle, while a win for Bullard is key for Democrats if they’re to capitalize on newly redrawn Senate district maps.

    The majority of Artiles’ haul came in $1,000 chunks, the maximum contribution allowed for state legislative campaigns. PACs affiliated with fellow GOP members of the Legislature notably dotted the finance report, including from committees controlled by Senate President-to-be Wilton Simpson, Senate budget chief Tom Lee, and Republican Majority Leader Bill Galvano, plus several Adams Street and industry groups.

    Major contributors to Bullard’s campaign include multiple trade union groups, as well as Tallahassee interests such as AT&T and Disney. Lobbyist Ron Book contributed $1,000 to both candidates through different accounts.”



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