Dr. Jimene Florida Senate-District 40-No ballot number


Please click here for valuable information on the legalized trafficking of children./ Haga clic aquí para obtener información valiosa sobre la legalización del tráfico de niños.
Children for sale by DCF, according to experts in the matter:/ Los niños a la venta por el DCF, de acuerdo con expertos en la materia:

DCF Reform

Up to $12,000 per child:/Hasta $12,000 por niño:

Child trafficking in family courts:/ El tráfico de niños en los tribunales de familia:

Court Reform

Go here for more information, and why we should elect men and women with principles and values such Alfred Santamaria (vote #126), Mercedes Christian, and Dr. Mario Jimenez who are running for Miami-Dade Mayor, and Florida State Senates respectively: www.VoteFamily.us, www.VoteFamilia.us


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