Our family courts are ran by criminals today!

Our family courts are ran by criminals today. These courts are literally destroying America from within. They are trafficking with our children. Enough is enough. By the power bestowed on us in Christ, we will shut down these centers of evil all over this nation.

1. Lawless Family Court Series Introduction: https://youtu.be/soh7Z87aWFM
2. Lawless Family Courts: Almost All Temporary Order Hearing are Unconstitutional and Fraud: https://youtu.be/-Ma6zL04bD8
3. Lawless Family Courts – Elimination of Jury trials was unlawful and allows corruption in many ways: https://youtu.be/W51WUbehnbM
4. Lawless Family Courts: Judicial Immunity is Limited, Not Absolute, You Can Sue Your Judge, or Lawyer: https://youtu.be/j-52-9v5Y2k
5. Lawless Family Courts: Conflicts of Interest in these Courts Are Everywhere: https://youtu.be/oeKClr-Dts4
6. Lawless Family Courts: For “The Best Interest of Children” – The BIG Lie: https://youtu.be/XiVuI6rB0GY
7. Lawless Family Courts: Equal Treatment Under the Law – The 14th Amendment – What a Joke!: https://youtu.be/EReXcF7dUaQ
8. Lawless Family Courts: Equity Courts are Still Subject to the U.S. Constitution IF YOU KNOW: https://youtu.be/w0yqui0gL2E
9. Lawless Family Courts: Family Court Judges Violate the Judicial Canons in Every Child Support Case!: https://youtu.be/SWxNYjqNmaQ
10. Lawless Family Courts: Jailing People for debt is Unconstitutional – A Form of Extortion: https://youtu.be/31Y9oNquORM
11. Lawless Family Courts: The Rampant Conflicts of Interest of Judges, Legislators and Lawyers: https://youtu.be/e_A-La-ZTAo

Click here – Bob Norton and the full story on family courts

Click here for the same story told by a 16 year old girl who figured it out all by herself.

Divorce Corp The Expose click here  – This new documentary, “Divorce Corp” narrated by Dr. Drew, is available at www.DivorceCorp.com or Amazon.com

Other resources:

www.FathersUnite.org  – Over 1,200 pages of information for parents trapped in the broken and corrupt divorce industry

www.BestInterestOfChildren.org  – The results of decades of research on what is really best for children

www.WinningEqualCustody.com – Coaching for parents through the divorce racket and around the “legal” system to save your family bonds and assets from plunder

Restraining Orders and Conflicts of Interest of Legislators: http://www.blip.tv/file/2864247


Taking Our Families Back