FREE Book: 2011 Edition of Pro Se Book to Family Court
Stop legalized child trafficking: DCF Reform; Court Reform.
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Copyright © 2011 David A. Bardes
Feel free to read, and share around… live and learn!
Two other great books by the same author:
Disclaimer: We are NOT attorneys or lawyers. We do NOT practice law in any federal or State court system. Any information provided, regardless of how specific, is NOT intended to be legal advice under any state or federal law. We provide research, written strategies, and non-professional personal opinions on the Constitution and State laws as free exchange of politically important information that also serves an important public need and interest allowed under the First Amendment. You are highly encouraged to engage an attorney in your State to help you with the specifics of your legal issues and the law in your State. If you are a pro se litigant, then you bear all and full responsibility for understanding the law in your state and acting under the law in your state. Nothing you receive from us is intended to be a “legal” document for purposes of any type of filing in any court. You are free to use our words for your personal non-commercial benefit, or as an aide in petitioning your government for redress of perceived wrongs, if properly cited where appropriate. YOU TAKE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY LEGAL ACTIONS YOU PURSUE AND THE RESULTS THAT YOU GET. WE BEAR NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR RESULTS. OUR OPINIONS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN OUR PERSONAL NON-PROFESSIONAL OPINIONS OR BELIEFS. WE MAKE NO CLAIMS OF LEGAL COMPETENCY IN THE LAW UNDER ANY GOVERNMENT STANDARD OF COMPETENCY IN THE LAW.
The information provided above is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. You should consult an attorney regarding your rights under the law.