How to reform the DCF/Family court racket?

How to reform the DCF/Family court racket?

1. The most important step is to defund the financial incentives in Title IV-D and Title IV-E of the social security prompting the separation of children from parents: As long as these financial incentives exit, the racketeers will find a way to continue to defraud the American people. As an added bonus to this step, we will make sure that elderly who have contributed to the social security will have these funds available for them, instead of having them raided by government frauds.

2. Hold racket leaders accountable. The leaders of the racket are Judges. They are the ultimate authority upon whom all of the corruption we see in equity courts depends on. The buck must stop with equity court Judges, and for that we must certainly reform America’s equity courts. Here are some suggestions for this:

a) The establishment of two-term limits on all state Judges. For instance, if District Judge, only 2 consecutive terms as such. He/she may advance to appeal court or Supreme Court but always with a confidence/retention vote from citizens by appearing on the ballot in the general elections.

b) Open public records on Judicial Qualification Commission complaints against Judges (nearly 100% of complaints by regular American citizens against allegedly corrupt Judges is ignored). “Our judiciary is unwilling to provide objective oversight of themselves and the legal profession, resulting in rampant rights violations and federal crimes perpetrated under color law.”

c) Confidence/retention vote requiring all public elected officials (e.g. State Senators, House Representatives, Judges, State Attorneys, etc.), regardless of someone running against them or not, to appear for a CONFIDENCE retention vote at the end of their respective election period in office to allow voters the choice of whether they should remain in office or not. In case the public official is not retained in office, the Governor shall appoint a temporary replacement, and new elections shall be held within 90 days to elect a replacement for that position.

d) Remove the self-regulation of the legal profession from the BARs, and assign it to citizen’s grand juries in each district who would not only hear complaints against lawyers, but will also hear complaints against Judges, and will be in charge of preparing bills of impeachments to be executed by the state House of Representatives and Senates. We could also write a generic Constitutional Amendment Proposition (ballot proposition) requiring attorney BARs to finally be regulated by state regulatory agencies, as all the other professions in the USA are. Then, adopting this constitutional amendment to each state and working towards passing it in each state. Even if we don’t get the necessary number of signatures to pass a constitutional amendment in a state, we can then take those signatures to the legislature and pressure them to pass the Constitutional Amendment.

e) Demand the enforcement of the separations of powers provided by most state Constitutions. For instance, in Florida, Article 2, Section 3, which prohibits attorneys working in the judicial branch from serving in other branches of government, reads: “Branches of government—The powers of the state government shall be divided into legislative, executive, and judicial branches. No person belonging to one branch shall exercise any powers appertaining to either of the other branches unless expressly provided herein.” This applies to all states: “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny” James Madison, Federalist # 47.

f) Make sure all judges have competition for their positions by making it easier for younger attorneys to run, and actively find family-friendly attorneys to successfully run against anti-family incumbent judges.

3. Improve Family Court room transparency and accessibility. Since Family Courts are opened to the public, there should be legislation and funds available to make sure that every court room has live streaming video data that the public can readily access from the internet, and later readily retrieve as well.

4. Create judicial watchdog organizations to monitor and report judicial abuse. Information provided by these organizations will be instrumental in supporting family-friendly, Constitutional Judges, keeping away activist Judges from the bench.

5. Create national and state public official site/database to report/complaint about judge’s performance, with ability to search by judges, attorneys, Guardians Ad Litems (GALs), “professionals”, and different issues. This will help us recognize trends and areas that need improvement. Example:

6. Work to restore two constitutional protections stripped away by the Family Courts:
a) If a judge decides to strip someone’s right to one’s children, require a speedy jury trial.
b) If a judge finds someone guilty of Domestic Abuse, require immediate transfer to Criminal Court with a speedy jury trial as well.

7. The use of root cause analysis to judicial errors, “A PROCESS FOR IDENTIFYING THE BASIC OR CAUSAL FACTORS THAT UNDERLIE VARIATION IN PERFORMANCE, INCLUDING THE OCCURRENCE OR POSSIBLE OCCURRENCE OF A SENTINEL EVENT.” Sentinel Events are judicial error(s) that lead to injury, an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof. Dr. Jimenez’s case (shown here is a typical sentinel event that exemplifies many of the errors currently being committed by the Family courts, and that could benefit from performing a root cause analysis thereof.

At the same time, we should also work to improve deficiencies and problems in DCF. For instance, I have identified four main areas that need our attention:

1. DCF investigators are overwhelmed with the great number of false cases. Some unscrupulous people use DCF as a form of harassment tool. After 5 false DCF accusations, and losing an unborn children because of one of them, I know firsthand how easy it is for individuals to abuse the system and how these false accusations are costing Floridians millions of dollars of our tax money.
Solution: start cracking down on false DCF calls/accusations. These false accusations cause a huge burden on the system, and prevent DCF case workers from properly dedicating their time and efforts in true abuse cases.

2. DCF workers are pressured from every side to please a number of people who work with them (Family Court attorneys, judges, GALs, etc…). What DCF does or does not do creates business for these individuals, so in many case DCF workers have to please them in order to keep their jobs.
Solution: Create an independent commission of citizens to help overlook DCF’s work (no attorneys or any other “professionals” with possible conflicts of interest accepted). I am an American Board Certified Family Physician, active in my community, father of 4 minor children, Sunday school teacher who deals with children on a daily basis, and I would gladly volunteer to be part of this commission. I also know of many other law-abiding professionals who would love to serve as well.

3. I believe that most DCF investigators/workers are good hearted individuals who truly want to help the children, who do not want to see any more children die and who are frustrated with what is going; however, they do not have a way to voice their concerns without running the risk of being targeted and losing their jobs.
Solution: create an internal DCF whistle-blowing (improvement) hotline to allow DCF investigators/workers an anonymous way to point anomalies they may have encountered. These calls should be fully investigated and presented to the independent commission of citizens overlooking DCF’s work.

4. Some unscrupulous attorneys and “professional” are abusing the children’s suffering to enrich themselves. These individuals believe that it is not what you know or what the truth is, but who they know, and how they can twist the truth that determines the outcomes in Family Court cases. Their behavior reminds me of the cronyism and corruption experienced in many third world countries. They are making billions off of the suffering of children and their parents.
Solution: crack down on attorneys and “professionals” who may be abusing the Family Court system. The DCF whistle-blowing hotline and the use of root cause analyzes to identify sentinel events will help identify them.

“The greatest scourge an angry Heaven ever inflicted upon an ungrateful and a sinning people, was an ignorant, a corrupt, or a dependent Judiciary.” —Chief Justice John Marshall.


Taking Our Families Back