Nothing has worked reforming family courts and/or Departments of Children and Families (DCF), nor will it work until we identify and attack the root cause of the problem:
“The history of revolts has had one thing in common: a policy of government by the few, for the few and oppression of the many.
Special privilege groups dominated and were listened to by every government in history which has fallen to a peoples’ revolt.
The keynotes of such special groups is help for nobody but themselves and hate for everyone including themselves.
The equestrian order of Rome, the aristocracy of France and Russia, the super select Nazis of Germany, the international financiers and the psychiatric front groups now dominating Western governments had much in common. They operated for themselves alone and used the people as though they were animals…”
I pray to God that humanity does not pick this last option again. I lived through it once as a child in Nicaragua, my native country, when Communists took over the country. Many people died for nothing. We still can prevent something similar in the U.S., but it will depend on us. Here is how:
“Branches of government—The powers of the state government shall be divided into legislative, executive, and judicial branches. No person belonging to one branch shall exercise any powers appertaining to either of the other branches unless expressly provided herein.”
-Open public records on Judicial Qualification Commission complaints against Judges.
-Confidence/retention vote requiring all public elected officials (e.g. State Senators, House Representatives, Judges, State Attorneys, etc.), regardless of someone running against them or not, to appear for a CONFIDENCE retention vote at the end of their respective election period in office to allow voters the choice of whether they should remain in office or not. In case the public official is not retained in office, the Governor shall appoint a temporary replacement, and new elections shall be held within 90 days to elect a replacement for that position.
-Remove the self-regulation of the legal profession from the BARs, and assign it to citizen’s grand juries in each district who would not only hear complaints against lawyers, but will also hear complaints against Judges, and will be in charge of preparing bills of impeachments to be executed by the state House of Representatives and Senates. We could also write a generic Constitutional Amendment Proposition (ballot proposition) requiring attorney BARs to finally be regulated by state regulatory agencies, as all the other professions in the USA are. Then, adopting this constitutional amendment to each state and working towards passing it in each state. Even if we don’t get the necessary number of signatures to pass a constitutional amendment in a state, we can then take those signatures to the legislature and pressure them to pass the Constitutional Amendment.
-Demand the enforcement of the separations of powers provided by most state constitutions. For instance, in Florida, Article 2, Section 3, which prohibits attorneys working in the judicial branch from serving in other branches of government, reads: “Branches of government—The powers of the state government shall be divided into legislative, executive, and judicial branches. No person belonging to one branch shall exercise any powers appertaining to either of the other branches unless expressly provided herein.” This applies to all states: “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny” James Madison, Federalist # 47 (explanation on the separation of powers in the government).