Servicemembers (SM) and Veterans’ Suicides Due To Title IV-D and IV-E Incentives:
SM and Veterans are disproportionately stripped of their parental rights in family court.
Divorce and custody attorneys routinely cite “PTSD” and military service as “threat to child”, without any legal obligation to substantiate their claims.
In any other court, such unsubstantiated fictions would be ordered stricken from the record. In family court, this is the norm.
The end result of these accusations and the SM or Veteran’s inability to effectively combat them in court is an increasingly high rate of suicide.
Second Class Citizen combed through three years of active duty military suicide records from DOD and discovered that one-third of active duty military suicides are due to family/custody matters.
SM and Veterans are literally killing themselves in despair.
This video shows a typical scenario of the veterans committing suicide in the U.S.A.:
At least 1/3 of all veteran suicides are associated with family courts and/or Department of Children and Families (DCF) according to These children are separated from veterans for purely monetary reasons, i.e. federal incentives via Title IV-D and IV-E. This video explains what are these incentives, and how experts are calling it a form of child trafficking:
What is happening with veterans is also causing increased suicide rates among children, and the rest of the population. More information here:
Solution: Defund Title IV-D and IV-E. This will not only save countless of lives, but could save hundreds of billions of dollars per year. We currently spend up to 1 trillion dollars per year in these areas. Please read letter to President Trump from family court/DCF reform organizations representing hundreds of thousands of citizens:
Another good video of the why veterans are committing suicide at such alarming rates?
Dr. Mario Jimenez
This is what we need to present to the Trump administration. Please help us reach him, by tweeting this message every time President Trump tweets a message. Instructions here: